Reiki and God

Reiki is a completely foreign concept to so many of you beautiful people so I wanted to answer some of your big questions and share with you a bit of my heart, spirit and approach.

First and foremost, let me tell you what reiki really is.

Let’s start with what it isn’t. The big ‘isn’t’ is that it is not a religion. It is indeed spiritual in nature. But it is not a religion because it has no dogma and because there is no conflict between reiki and any belief system. This that like prayer, it is a spiritual practice but it is not specific to a religion, nor is it its own religion.

Second, reiki is not an entrance point for spiritual warfare, Satan, paranormal activity, whatever you want to call it. I have had several people reach out to tell me that this was going to leave me vulnerable to Satan because I am inviting him in by practicing reiki. Let me just put this to rest right now. First of all, if we were to believe this, we would be saying that we don’t believe in the authority of Jesus Christ, who defeated death and rose again and before He left us to prepare a new home for us, gifted us with His authority and His Holy Spirit. Additionally, if you believe Satan is chivalrous enough to wait for you to invite him in, you have been mislead. While God is a gentleman and waits patiently for us to accept His spirit, Satan is not. He waltzes into our lives and make himself and his buddies at home until we, through Jesus Christ, kick him out. Lastly, as I will dig into deeper later, reiki is simply providing love and compassion to the client. The intentions are purely loving, therefore, Satan is not welcome there.

Reiki is a combination of two Japanese Kanji (ideograms used in their written language), Rei and Ki. Rei is spiritual wisdom and Ki is life energy. The kanji of Rei actually depicts the heavens (you know, where Jesus is currently preparing a home for us) and the earth (our current home) and between the two there are three stones, meant to symbolize the three parts of a person: body, mind, and spirit (as we were made in the image of the triune God). “This goes by many names such as spiritual consciousness, the universal mind, God, the Supreme Being, the third heaven and so forth.”

Ki means chi (Chinese), prana (Sanskrit), ti or ki (Hawaiian), or scientifically speaking, bio-field energy. What it means is life energy. Most healers work with ki energy in some form, but not all healer use combine spiritual wisdom with this life energy work.

You’re probably thinking that’s all great but what is it really? And what you probably are really wondering is what does it look like? To me, it looks like anointing. When you read God’s instructions about anointing in Exodus, the Hebrew word there is massach which looks and sounds a lot like the English word massage. It means ‘the laying on of hands in a loving way.’ So that’s what a reiki practitioner does. Often, they will first do what is called a Byosen scan. For me, this is my first prayer. I am asking God to highlight any places within you that need special prayer and attention. Then, starting at the top of the head and working my way to your feet, I hold each piece of you in prayer. I send God’s healing light into your body with each breathe and ask Him to heal anything within you that needs healing. I rely on the language, visualization, and clarity of chakras as a map, in order to ensure all aspects of the client are getting proper attention and care.

Now, this is just my approach. My reiki training manual refers to reiki as it’s own kind of spiritual energy. Let me be clear, it isn’t a being so it’s not a god. It’s a form of healing energy. I use it to clarify the kind of prayer work I am doing while anointing you.

My point in sharing this with you is to point out that the intention of the practitioner and the client is everything. Like I said, reiki is a practice just like prayer. What is important to me, and to God, and I would venture to say my clients, is that it is the intention behind what we are doing together, not the thing we are doing itself.

For those that like to have a little scriptural backing in order to put their mind at ease, proof that what they are doing is okay with God, I’ve listed some here that talk about healing, prayer, and energy. You won’t find scripture using the word reiki but don’t let that distract you.

  • Matthew 10:1 And he called to him his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every affliction.

  • James 5:14 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

  • Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

  • Psalm 6:2 Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing;

heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled.

  • Philippians 4:6-7 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to GodAnd the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

This last scripture is particularly important here and it’s what I’d like to you to take away. There is no need to fret over whether reiki is something God approves or disapproves of. He understands so much more than we do and we can trust in that. We can trust that He will answer our prayers and requests. We can trust that His peace is bigger than our questioning and more, it will protect our hearts and minds because of the authority we have in Christ. So I have three pieces of advice for those who are concerned.

  1. Pray about it. Ask the One who knows better than us. Pray about the fact that you’re wondering about it. Researching it. Questioning it. Actually ask Him what He would like you to do.

  2. Talk to Christians you trust who have experienced reiki healing. Don’t ask those who don’t know about it. When you have a weird rash, you ask your nurse friend about it, not your computer friend. Treat this the same way. Ask those who are knowledgeable about both God and reiki.

  3. Trust your gut and don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with. There is no pressure to have a reiki session.

Lastly, I’d love to share some of the benefits of reiki healing:

  • first and foremost, a reiki session offers an incredibly relaxing experience that aids in a positive state of consciousness and spiritual experience.

  • It is a great addition to most forms of therapy. This is why I do offer a spiritual direction and reiki combo session. The reiki and spiritual direction work with one another for an enhanced experience and further healing.

  • Historically reiki has been used to aide in the healing of every illness and injury imaginable.

  • We use it in our home for allergies, common colds, teething babes, headaches, bruises, sunburns, and sore muscle.

  • We also use it to help reduce anxiety and depression which has been highly effective.

  • a reiki session can provide clarity, a sense of grounding when you are feeling like you have no control, and balance to your mind, body or spirit.

Curious if it can help with what has been bothering you? Reach out and ask! I’d love to chat with you about if reiki is right for you!

I am so grateful to everyone who has been coming to me with questions. I love that this is a community of beautiful souls, looking for answers and healing and wellness. It’s truly an honor to be a part of it. So keep questioning, keep exploring, keep seeking.

Be gentle with yourself,




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